Sustainable business

Building a Sustainable Business: More Than Just Going Green

For 35 years, I worked in what was traditionally considered a "dirty…

A group of colleagues sitting together enjoying their work

The Secret Sauce of Workplace Culture

The best companies are full of unique people. This is their life blood, and the…

Preparing a business for sale

How To Prepare Your Business For Sale

Is your business for sale? Whenever you prepare a house for sale you mow the…

The benefits of an in-house coach and mentor

The benefits Of An In-house Coach and Mentor

The Williams Dynasty When we think about the real benefits of having an…

Performance culture

Building a Performance Culture

Business is generally an organic entity, constantly changing and growing…

Succession plan - who me?

Understanding succession planning: A 5-minute guide

Business owners often think they have a succession plan when in reality all…

Staff motivation - turn your business upside down.

Motivation - turn your business upside down

"My staff lack initiative and motivation!" We hear this quite a lot from all…

Mushroom farm - internal communication

Communication - Are you a Mushroom Farmer?

How is your internal communication? When we start working with a company,…

Advertising, publicity and PR for the SME

Advertising, Publicity and PR for the SME

We’re often surprised how many business owners don’t distinguish between…

weekly planning

Weekly planning adds huge benefits in business

Weekly planning is a habit that can help you get in control of your workload.…